BBC Executive Resigns

Breaking News (18:17 GMT)

BBC Radio 2’s David Barber has resigned following last week’s disciplinary action against offensive prank calls made by Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross, according to the BBC News Channel.

Barber is the second BBC executive to resign in the past two weeks after last Thursday’s resignation by Radio 2 controller, Leslie Douglas.

He will step down from his role as head of specialist music and compliance.

A spokeswoman said: “We can confirm that Dave Barber has resigned from the BBC.”

Radio 2 will broadcast a ‘strongly worded apology’ tomorrow, aiming to resolve the ‘Sachsgate’ affair which has seen Brand resign from Radio 2 and Ross suspended for 12 weeks by the BBC.

This follows ‘obscene’ messages posted on Andrew Sachs’ answerphone referring to his granddaughter, Georgina Baillie, on October 18.

After the resignation of the popular Leslie Douglas, Barber, who produced the famous documentary, Lost Boy – In Search of Nick Drake, with Brad Pitt, has stepped down following 42,000 complaints made to the BBC about the messages.

The BBC’s apology, to be aired tomorrow at 10:03 am and 9:03pm on BBC Radio 2, will partly read (according to The “The BBC would like to apologise unreservedly to Mr Sachs, Ms Baillie and to our audiences as licence fee payers.”
