Social media sites have hit like a storm in the last decade and we’re all guilty of using them. Most people make daily visits to Facebook or Twitter, compelled to find out what the latest gossip in the social media world is. We especially, as journalists, find ourselves relying on Twitter for the latest news updates and Facebook to get in contact with people. But are we addicted?
A study by YouGov shows that 15% of adult workers in the UK log on to social media at least once per hour during the working day.
I have to say I wouldn’t consider myself one of the 15%, I’m usually too busy to be on it every hour, but I definitely log on a few times during the day, just to check if I have any all-important notifications. Some of my friends have their Facebook set so that every notification gets sent straight to their phones. I’m proud to admit that I don’t use that setting, personally I think it is a step too far. But I have to admit that as soon as I’m at my computer, social media is the first place I go. I often sit down with my laptop to do some work or send an email, and I realise that as I navigate the mouse my hand automatically reaches for the Facebook icon, which of course is saved in my Favourites. Why am I doing this? I didn’t even want to go on Facebook, I was on it just 10 minutes ago!
Many businesses have blocked social media sites from their networks to prevent employees from accessing them during work hours. The recruitment agency that I work for back home is one of these culprits. When I first discovered this I was slightly annoyed, but then I realised that it was probably a good thing. My work at the agency is so utterly dull and monotonous, that I would constantly be distracted by Facebook and YouTube and never get any work done. And as much as the work bores me, my job depends on it.
Considering that hardly a day goes by when most people aren’t checking Facebook, Twitter or watching cat videos on YouTube, it is clear that social media does play an important role in our lives. So are we addicted to social media? I think it’s safe to say that yes, we are.
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