Centre for Sports Studies’ Investigation of views towards disabled athletes

Many of you agreed to help Brenda Atuona with her study. Only a couple of you have booked slots. Brenda and I would appreciate it greatly if you would please book one now. Below is a link which will allow you to choose a suitable time and date to participate during the period between Wednesday 14 March 2012 and Friday 23 March 2012. Please select your preference. 


  • You are not required to prepare prior to particpation.
  • You will be presented with a short imagination task and questionnaires about your views on disabled athletes 
  • You will be asked to construct three questions you would ask a disabled athlete, if given a chance to interview them 
  • In addition, you will be asked to create a headline for an article on a disabled athlete that could be published 
  • The accuracy of your responses is very important. We therefore ask you take your time completing the study, and be as honest as possible. 
  • There are no right or wrong answers. You will not be judged on your responses – but you will be rewarded with those lovely Amazon vouchers.  

