Conference diaries and blog posts

All first years, second years and MA students please note:

As has been previously explained,  you are required to submit conference diaries for each term as part of your Convergent Journalism and Practical Multimedia Journalism portfolios. You are also required to  post at least one discussion item on the blog on this web site each term.

Please submit your conference diaries as Word or text documents to the assignments section of this web site. Remember they should simply contain a sentence or two outlining an idea that has arisen from each conference you have attended this term.

Your blog posts should be an item for discussion – at least four paragraphs – about any journalism issue of your choice.

The deadline both for diaries and blog posts for this term is 5pm on the first day of next term, Monday January 16.

So I look forward to seeing a lot of interesting, creative and thought-provoking blog posts on the site over the Christmas break.
