I was linked to a new site the other day called Global Student Journalists. It’s a new project launched by a journalism professor, Anna Rodrigues at Durham College, Canada. The site aims to “connect students around the world” and work as a place where you can get feedback on your work, or give it to someone else.
I signed up yesterday, but you have to be approved before you can see what’s been uploaded, and so I had to wait until this morning to have a look. First impressions – it’s not that great at the moment. The only uploads are photos of two journalism students, which I don’t really see the point in, unless they wanted feedback on their face, but this is not Myspace.
However, as it starts to grow, I think it’s going to be an interesting website and maybe even a place where you can upload your university assignments and get some feedback before handing them in. And well, it’s also nice to see what other journalism students are working on all over the world.