IVF – Playing God or Parental Responsibility?


Mitochondira – Another way of saying I don’t want this child?


When a couple has to go through the IVF process it must be because it is their last resort, with the inability to conceive. Then when they have their child, it has a severe condition, Downs Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis or have a DNA defect in their mitochondria, the heartbreak must be unbearable.

So for some parents, the development of “Three Parent IVF” will come as good news. They could have the chance to help their child through a third party. Unlike times gone by when a third party was a surrogate, a healthy donor is now is a nucleus.

After pioneering fertility research by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Tests have shown signs that they are able to remove defected DNA which can cause more harm than good before a child is born.

For pro-life groups it is unethical, others with strong believes say it is changing a child and playing God.

The head of Human Genetics Alert David King told the BBC, “The more you manipulate embryos, the more risk there is.” 

The defect is only passed through the maternal side, therefore a healthy female donors egg is required. The process removes the nucleus of the “damaged” egg and replaces with the healthy nucleus of the donors, it is then fertilised with the sperm and a healthy child grows up.

Yet in the newspapers today no-one really explained what mitochondria is. To some it looks like a disease, but it isn’t, everyone is born with mitochondria but for some the DNA is damaged and requires fixing.


Diagram of mitochondria



Mitochondria it is made of a double membrane and in these have embedded proteins. The outside membrane is smooth while the inner layer is folded, these folds will enhance the productivity of the cells breathing by increasing surface area.

Within this membrane the mitochondria is part dependent on the cell to replicate and grow, having their own DNA and ribosomes to make protein and convert food to usuable energy.

So, we need them to live.

The BBC report that 1 in 5000 babies are born with their mitochondria DNA defected and most die in infancy. If they survive they live a life full of difficulty as the mitochondria destroys the body causing much pain and suffering.

The impact will not happen immediately as the treatment is currently illegal, but the research team in Newcastle have and asking for government funding to build a £5.8 million centre.

Is it more than an ethical debate? Looking at the social consequences of over populations as there will be more babies, adding to the 7 billion people living now.

It is a cold thought, but it is survival of the fittest.

The developments of this story will shape science, and our thoughts on how far we as humans can truly go to protect or manipulate lives.


View more at http://lifeaccordingtoc.blogspot.com/
