I am a postgraduate research student with the Centre for Journalism looking into privacy law, and I honestly believe that my research focus is probably one of the most interesting and exciting areas to currently be considering. I have set up a short questionnaire, and would really appreciate your input.
The balance between an individual’s privacy and the freedom of expression is contentious to say the least. I am gaining huge amounts of material from the Leveson Inquiry and the Joint Committee on Privacy and Injunctions as well as books, news articles and journals. My research has also given me access to several interesting people who have a wide variety of opinions regarding privacy, ranging from “print and be damned” to “privacy law does not go far enough”. Our own perceptions regarding privacy also vary greatly. Many of us who feel we have nothing of great interest going on in our lives, seem to automatically consider our lives an open book with no great need for privacy. However, if I were to delve into your state of health and discover you had an incurable disease, would you consider that private? Or if I not only found out who you are currently having sex with but also all the intimate details of your sexual encounters, would you consider that private? Alternatively, if the details of your bank statements were divulged in this blog, would you think that I had invaded your privacy? Do you consider these areas private after all? Do you think you have the right to decide who you confide these matters to? Do you believe you have a reasonable expectation of privacy standing outside your local community centre? Or sitting in a quiet restaurant? Or walking in a park? Should individual privacy be ranked depending on what you do for a living? Or if a member of your family has suddenly become news worthy, should you accept that these areas are now public property? Privacy is an area that we all seem to take for granted, not really considering what role it plays in our own lives. These are just some of the areas I am considering and I would really appreciate your input. Please follow this link and complete my short questionnaire. http://centreforjournalism.co.uk/content/privacy-and-media-questionn… I am happy to discuss my research area so please feel free to get in touch. ke76
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