I saw this on the daily mail website yesterday and it made me rather angry:
It is in essence an 800 word article about Alex Reid [Katie Price’s cage fighting nearly ex-husband] sending a private twitter message to Amy Willerton [the winner of Katie Price’s ‘Signed By Katie Price’ show – a ‘talent reality show’ where Katie Price scoured the country to find someone with “passion, hunger and bags of ambition” to launch their career as a model which in essence turned out to be an opportunity to create a mini-me version of herself] and his pregnant fiancée Chantelle Houghton’s [the first ‘non-celebrity’ winner of celebrity big brother in 2006] angry reaction to it when she found out.
When you read the article you realize its sole basis is a two-word tweet, from the ex-husband of a z-list celebrity to the protégé of another z list celebrity and the reaction of another z list celebrity to it.
All he did was reply to her tweet ‘Congrats to you and Chantelle and hopefully I will get to meet you one day x’ by saying ‘hope so x’.
Is this really what the world has come to? Is this really the basis of a whole article? Does anybody care? Does anybody know who Alex Reid even is? Does anybody care that he replied to a tweet from his ex-wife’s apprentice? Does anybody even know who she is? Does anybody care about what his pregnant finance had to say about it? Again, does anybody know who she is?
Is this really fulfilling the purpose of journalism, to provide citizens with accurate and reliable information they need to function in a free society? Is this what the public wants to know?
I mean I understand that ‘gossip’ sells papers and people want to know about the ‘dirt’ in celebrities’ lives and whose sleeping with who, but even for the Daily Mail, surely this is clutching at straws and literally scrapping the barrel.
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