Year 2 online assignment submission

Instead of uploading to the web site, year two students should submit their interactive Flash features by copying all the relevant files onto one of the centre’s external hard drives. I will show you which one to use.

Make sure you copy the following files:

The .fla project file (This will enable me to see where things went wrong if there are any problems with the final published file)

The .swf file (which is created when you select file-publish from the .fla file)

Any .flv video files or .mp3 audio files that play in the feature.

Also copy the file called ‘AC_RunActiveContent.js’, which you’ll find in your project folder after you’ve created the swf file.

And also copy the ‘skin’ file (or files) for your video player. You’ll also find these in your project folder. They’ll be called something like ‘ClearOverPlaySeekMute.swf’, or ‘SteelExternalAll.swf’, depending on which skin you chose in the parameters setting of your video player.

Any questions, ask.

