
Alert! Radio studio playout Dropbox clear out

We are about to clear old, unwanted material out the Dropbox account that services the new radio studio playout, amongst other functions. To be clear, that is the account with username [email protected].  If you suspect there might be something there you want to keep, please let me or Ian know by the end of this […]

Why We Love To Tear Women Down

With the infamous Depp v Heard trial set to end this Friday, I wonder why we are all gripping this story with hungry talons. To the audience, this is a simple tale: a hero brought down by a scheming witch, a good man taken in by a bad woman. As Chirs Rock announced onstage at […]

Final Call for any Euro 2012 Fantasy League players

Under 48 hours to go until Euro 2012! So far we have had 20 entries for our fantasy league. This is the final call for any fantasy players be it first years, second years, third years, MA students and even lecturers to join in and see if you can conquer the Centre for Journalism this […]

Premier League Preview – 17 January 2020

As we approach Gameweek 23 of the 2020 Premier League, it’s that time again to begin licking our lips at the propsect of some quality football. Whether you’re heading down to the pub with your mates, watching it at home, or making your significant other suffer through ninety minutes, this weekends fixtures look to be […]

creating online content for enhancement week

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” GK Unions are inviting students to engage with Medway online. Medway online is a platform for students from all universities to get involved with. It’s a chance to share thoughts, opinions or general interests in any form online. Whether you’ve always wanted to host your own […]

Park or panic?

A student at the Universities at Medway campus was outraged recently after receiving an extortionate fine for parking in an unauthorised area of a surrounding street. Flori, an eighteen year old student from the University of Kent, returned to her car mid-last week only to find a ticket on her window demanding £60 for choosing the wrong […]

Good book for the essay

For anyone looking for another book to reference for the essay, The Invention of Journalism by Jean K. Chalaby has been helpful for me so far. It’s pretty dense but the whole book revolves around the period from 1850 onwards so there’s a lot of good quotable bits, particularly in the Third Part. And the […]

Take a bow…

Getting your first byline is a Champagne moment for any journalist – so celebrations are in order for our Qandeel Warrich, Laura Garcia and Lizzie Massey who had their feature about a cancer survivor who sailed around the UK to raise awareness about bone marrow donation published by KentOnline today. It’s a great example of how […]

Hedonistic Hysteria

A look at the rave culture, its formation, impact and legacy musically and culturally today.    WATCHING HEATHER SMALL trot around BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing on Saturday evoked memories of the former M People lead singer’s dance talent of a different kind throughout the 1990s. This dance talent provoked a swarm of politicians to debate on a phenomena, people of all […]

Put some clothes on . . .

The brochure for CfJ clothes is still in the newsroom, and no-one has placed their name on the order form except for myself. Therefore I am posting a blog to encourage people to have a look at it and buy things, not just for me, but for yourselves too. The more of you that buy things, […]

Medwire March 2013

The Medwire is back again with it’s March edition. We’ve got enough copies to drown yourself with in the newsroom, but if you feel like you’d rather read from the comfort of your own chair then we’ve ever so kindly linked it below for you!   the Medwire March Edition 2013 by Jem Collins

The Weight of the World

Earlier this month, I wrote a blog post about my mental health crisis and how I was able to pull through with the help of a group of amazing people. It was scary writing such a personal and brutally honest piece, the fear of judgement from my peers was overwhelming. It’s a shame that mental […]

Father of the Rainbow Nation.

Last night at around 9:50pm, I received a breaking news update on my phone from BBC News telling me that Nelson Mandela had died aged 95. While I immediately felt shock and sadness, I wasn’t exactly sure why.    I always knew he was the first black president of South Africa following many years imprisonment […]

You should try skiing and here’s why

The mountain ponders high in the clouds. As the mini bus chuckles up the steep sweeping inclines. Vivid to this day, I remember the royal rocks ripping the skyline as we further ventured over the creases of the mountains. The vanishing light cast upon the smoky rock and velvet snow, energising the stale rockfall.   […]

The Economic chill that put Capitalism in the Deep Freeze

The lead package on Channel 4 News tonight was exquisite. It started with a coruscating tease (the hospice for sick children that has lost a fortune in an Icelandic bank) and moved on through sharp writing, succulent graphics and lancing interviews. There are similar examples of complex stories told through human experience, luminous example and […]

Lessons from the Newsnight omnishambles

This week’s BBC Newsnight/McAlpine omnishambles has not just been a masterclass in getting it wrong. It’s been several masterclasses, all rolled into one. So spectacular have the failings been, it’s hard to rank them in order of seriousness. But here goes: 1=. Failure to put its allegations of abuse of care home teenagers directly to […]

Avatar: at last a live-action 3D film that works.

For years film-goers have been bombarded with films that have attempted to venture into the third dimension, but have dismally failed to deliver any form of delectable cinematic feast. Gimicky, cheap and devoid of a story or a talented cast, they have given 3D films a bad name.  So when James Cameron promised to create […]

Drama about Irish journalist Veronica Guerin on BBC iplayer.

I saw this earlier on BBC iplayer and thought it maybe of interest to some other journalism students so I would post it on here. Its a short drama about the Irish journalist Veronica Guerin based on true events. The description says: Drama based on the true events of an Irish journalist’s tenacious pursuit of […]

Spanish Civil War

I’ve noticed that quite a few of you are now studying the Spanish Civil War. I have created a link on the Journalism subject guide to all books that are in the Drill Hall on the Spanish Civil War. If you are stuck with researching material or need any help please do not hesitate to […]

More CfJ students make a splash

The Centre for Journalism’s collection of front-page splashes achieved by students on work placement continues to grow. Postgraduate Katherine Purvis is the latest to make the front page. During her two-week placement at the Kentish Express last week, Kat secured the splash with her story about the money raised by friends of a girl who was […]

Supercars: The Move From Prima Donnas To Run Of the Mill Machinery

There has been a gradual transition in the meaning of the word ‘supercar’ over the past decade. Up until this point, the general notion of a supercar was one that leapt out at you, grabbed you and was an overt image of everything that you wanted to be. The supercar was an object of desire for many a young […]
