There will be no editorial conference tomorrow, Tuesday 23 Feb. I have to be in London to judge the 2010 Reuters/UACES Reporting Europe competition. Many apologies. I shall be back, fresh as a spring lamb and twice as fragrant, on Wednesday.
There will be no editorial conference tomorrow, Tuesday 23 Feb. I have to be in London to judge the 2010 Reuters/UACES Reporting Europe competition. Many apologies. I shall be back, fresh as a spring lamb and twice as fragrant, on Wednesday.
With Twitter emerging as great source for rapid and concise news, many of the nation’s journalists have taken to the social networking site and now use it both an outlet aswell as a source for information. With the likes of the BBC, CNN and Sky News all taking to the social networking site, reporting a […]
Lead Singer of US R & B Group, Shalamar, Howard Hewitt, Joins Reno To Campaign for #FreeLeahSharibu — Reno Omokri (@renoomokri) May 24, 2019 Follow me for updates today as I join exceptional women discuss fictional and non fictional ‘Stories of Women’ at the Southwark Cathedral, in celebration of Women’s History month (1st March […]
We will spend some time in tomorrow’s class to ensure everyone is on the same page getting ready for the essay. Amy is putting up some links for the benefit particularly of the MA students. I recommend any student who hasn’t read, listened to or watched the following do so before class: 1.John Simpson’s TV […]
Just before the second year undergraduates head to the pub to celebrate the conclusion of your final exam this afternoon, it’s time to look forward to next year. Before term ends on 18 June, you’ll need to have submitted a number of outline proposals for your third year projects. We’ll be going through the rules of […]
VirtualOpenDay.jpg Calling all Centre for Journalism students and graduates. We’re holding our first Virtual Open Day tomorrow evening as we try to find the next generation of lucky students to join the CfJ family – and we need your help in publicising it. We’ll be livestreaming through our Youtube channel from 6.40pm on Tuesday 15 […]
As some of you know I was fortunate enough to spend the last two weeks working with Sky News at their studio in West London. Here are four broad lessons learned in that time (*spoiler* none involve making coffee). Embrace the unexpected “So we need you to find someone who owns a pet monkey to […]
The roles for this Friday’s Year 3 assessed print news day are as follows: Editors: Angela Davey, Dean Kilpatrick, Dan May Executives: James Averill, Ella Copeland, Joe Cladingboel Assessed reporters: George Ocaya, Melanie Wimmer, Alex Dack, Danielle Cheney, Paul Dunne, Grant Gibb, Sophie Jackson, Sara Malm, Jade Selby, Eva Tsipi, Jason West, Laura Hartmann News […]
Ramadan prep at my home in Pakistan usually begins a week earlier when we stock up our pantry, prepare frozen food items and deep clean our house so that we can focus on prayers and deepen our connection with God during the holy month. Ramadan at home means hearing the siren from the nearby mosque […]
James Murdoch’s resignation from News International is perhaps a rather effective way of killing two birds with one stone. In the ever continuing midst of last summer’s phone hacking scandal, the reputation of the company has failed to recover. It’s been just six months since the closure of leading title News of the World and […]
If John McCain is elected next month and then dies, would Sarah Palin serve out the rest of his term? Would Sarah “invading Russia might be necessary” Palin, who prays for gas lines to be built (, actually be president of the United States of America? In the year 2002 there were an estimated 764,160* […]
Hello everyone, One of our CfJ graduates Brad Gray, who is the content editor at HertsLive, has been in touch as his team is recruiting. Read what he said below and find the link there to the details of the jobs on offer. Brad writes: We’ve got vacancies on our team at HertsLive, and because […]
Operation Moshtarak may have sounded good on paper, but as McChrystal knows – and is at pains to point out – it’s no good if civilians keep getting killed. Bad PR for NATO.
I have been infuriated by news reporting of the controversy surrounding the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi. Time and again editors have tried to pin blame on the UK government without considering the bald fact that this decision was taken in Scotland by a Scottish Nationalist government. The pack has been motivated more by ideology than by any desire to […]
Rachel Russell, the incoming Overnight Editor of Express Online (Daily Express newspaper group) is coming to visit the CfJ to talk to students on Friday 6th March at 2pm in G1-04. Rachel will talk about her experience in journalism and also about a plan she has to recruit graduates and students for either paid […]
In a few weeks, I will be 40, even I am amazed at how quick life seems to have turned. I still remember my first thought when I heard someone was 40 “wow, what would it be like to be 40” I asked, partly to myself and the other out loud. Shrieks of laughter echoed through […]
Lance Armstrong was the story so many people wanted to believe. I recall some of my most impressionable school days sat through morning assemblies listening to teachers and guest speakers talk of the most inspirational stories and people of our day. Armstrong was chief among them, and was cited as an example on a number […]
As many of you know, I dream of editing in tabloids, so I couldn’t let the phone-hacking scandal at my beloved News International go uncommented. Currently doing work experience at The Sun, I’m smack-bang in the middle of it all, and I have written about it on my blog Scandilous Life on The Medwire. “As a journalism student infatuated with […]
Rachel Russell, the incoming Overnight Editor of Express Online (Daily Express newspaper group) is coming to visit the CfJ to talk to students this Friday, 28 Feb. She will be here about noon and will speak to any year groups that can join us in G1-04. Rob has said people in his MA/YiJ groups can […]
Last night on Radio 4’s The World Tonight, there was a package on Northern Ireland that went on for over 9 minutes. You can listen to it here. It starts at around 15 minutes into the programme. Is a package this long worth doing?
Having had to sit on the sidelines for what must have seemed like an eternity, watching daily Telegraph exclusives on MPs’ expenses, The Guardian is hoping making its mark on the story with an interesting crowdsourcing experiment. It is publishing all of the heavily-censored documents released today under FoI legislation on its web site and is asking readers to help its team […]
Compare eight people to 3.6 billion; imagine the amount of space it would take to fit eight humans into a room and the amount of land it would take to fit billions of us. It is a huge difference, obviously, yet it is evidence that we need to crack down on equality throughout the world. […]
MA students: 10.30am-11.30am Year One students: 11.30-12.30pm
Lately, major markets across the globe have been hit by a barrage of sell down on stocks and bonds due to fears of inflation fuelling a potential hike in interest rates. The panic begins in the United States and has now spread to the United Kingdom, partly rubbing off on the European markets. The US […]
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