Oh dear. Someone’s in trouble.
Oh dear. Someone’s in trouble.
We have received a request from a year 3 Sports student for a few of the Centre’s students to take part in an event taking place on 2 April. The brief is to interview members of the public about the event in question. We have no more information than this but if you want to […]
It was only a matter of time before somebody started some sort of rumour claiming to know the new identity of Jon Venables. Already Facebook has become home of speculation and now vicious texts have been going around the country stating his “new identity.” The Sun newspaper was quick to jump to the protection of […]
Education notes from the last two sessions have now been uploaded. Paul
Tomorrow morning’s editorial conference is cancelled, so students can spend a valuable extra half hour on revision. Shorthand will go ahead as normal.
There will be a free meal for all students (and their ‘plus ones’) who have volunteered and logged their hours on kentunionvolunteering.co.uk If you have been involved with volunteering in or out of university, you can put your hours towards the KSCV (Kent Student Certificate for Volunteering). Awards can be gained through volunteering for 25+ […]
Back in 2005, the News of the World won just about every award the industry could bestow – including the biggest of them all, Newspaper of the Year at the British Press Awards. As editor of Press Gazette, which organised those awards, I was given rare interview access to the usually-secretive newspaper’s top executive team, […]
Centre for Journalism postgrad Harry Howard is having a productive time on his placement on the Daily Mail newsdesk, if today’s edition of the paper is anything to go by. Harry, who completed his Multimedia Journalism MA this summer, has capped his first week on the job with no fewer than 3 bylines in the Saturday […]
We have received the following message which may be of interest: I am writing to you today as we have a number of journalistic opportunities which may be of interest to your students at University of Kent. I work for a digital media company which has produced two websites on behalf of one of […]
Okay so every weekend is a great sporting weekend, but this one tops the lot. We’ll start with the football where it promises to be a season-defining few days. The race for promotion from the Championship, League One and League Two hots up with games on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The picture at the […]
I will hold a brief revision class tomorrow in the MA newsroom, for the Convergent Stage 3 exam, at 1pm. Richard
The Sun’s Madonna scoop yesterday led conference into a discussion about change pages, when newspapers rush to change their editions printed later in the evening after they’ve been outscooped by a rival’s first edition. We were surprised that the Daily Mail had apparently ignored The Sun’s splash, assuming that our newsroom copy would not be an early edition. Today […]
Today’s Media Guardian seems designed to provoke the sort of mood swings normally associated with manic depression. On the front page John Slattery’s piece ‘A degree of despair,’ warns of the increasingly steep uphill struggle to get a first toehold in the news industry. Then, on page 2, Steve Hewlett’s column ‘A local solution on […]
The BJTC and BBC run a scheme for students to do work experience in local and national radio and TV, including BBC South East. Take a look at details of what is on offer, and what they are looking for, https://jobs.bbc.co.uk/fe/tpl_bbc03.asp?newms=jj&id=29606).”>here. Second year students who think they are ready for this should register online and […]
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The ONS has revealed that over three in four (76%) of those aged between 25 and 29 years’ old who were worried about the effect of COVID-19 on their lives reported that it had affected their work. Of those aged between 16-29 years’ old who reported their work had been affected by COVID-19, the most common […]
This online petition will be presented to the European Parliament the day Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons take their seats there. It has tens of thousands of signatures already, the message is simple: the BNP do not represent Britain, Not In Our Name. It takes literally seconds, please sign it to stand up against racism.
So I’m fully aware this post is couple of years late but let me just say that during those years my opinions on La La Land have changed couple of times. (Also whoever wants to bring up the tweet here it is) 1ffe3d74692f6f27e71e4b9c13452c8b.0.jpg (Follow me on Twitter @wiktoriamachul)Yes i did say it once I […]
Seymour Hersh is one of the greatest investigative journalists of the modern era. I have been lucky enough to meet him a few times as one of my favourite cousins was his lawyer and close friend. Acting as Sy’s lawyer was a challenging and fascinating role. Decade after decade Sy broke stories, landed amazing scoops, challenged […]
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http://thenewsroomuk.co.uk/contributor7_1.php Please click here to read my article – if I get the most hits I get £20, so read and pass it along
Now that the group stages are complete, it’s time for the serious stuff, the knockout rounds. Into the quarter finals are Czech Republic, England, France Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Most people suggest that Germany and Portugal should record easy victories over their Group A opponents, the result of many seeing Greece and the […]
The roles for this Friday’s assessed print newsday are as follows: Editors: Paige Aldridge, Dan Crook, Cecily Snowball Executives: Alex Norman, Clara Easthill Assessed reporters: Jade Edwards, Nathalie Evele, Michelle Gleaves, Helen Grimes, Cian Hodge, Uzoma Jemade, Rebecca Lawrence, Amy Nickalls, Sanam Zeb, Sophie Wentworth News team: Jasmin Sahota, Victoria Polley, Katie Palmer, Ola Ojuko, […]
FIFA are expecting the 2014 World Cup to kick off in Brazil in five months time, but that has been thrown into doubt. Brazil won the bid to host sports’ greatest international tournament way back in 2007 and yet are still constructing numerous stadiums that are to stage the matches. Twelve locations across Brazil will […]
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