
Editorial Networking Event – ITV Sport

  Unknown.jpeg A little bit short notice, applications have to be in by next Friday. An opportunity for the aspiring Sports Journalist. ITV are holding an invitiation only Networking Event, to apply for a place at the event you need to send a current CV together with your idea, in 100 words or less, for […]

A triumph of journalism?

Torin Douglas, the BBC’s media correspondent, has been thinking about journalism’s reputation in the light of the MPs’ expenses scandal. He asked me for my opinion.  You can read his piece and my comments here.   

Return of kit

Note to all students: All video and audio kit MUST be returned to Ian or Richard either today or tomorrow. Thank you.

Spring Timetables

Spring timetable attached.  You need to open the appropriate worksheet. Attachment Size Journalism Timetable 0910 Stage 1.xls 42.5 KB Journalism Timetable 0910 Stage 2.xls 44 KB

Knowledge Without Borders

The times we live in are, by far, the greatest in history for information and data. To be able to connect to a comprehensive database of human knowledge, theories and services with a couple of clicks and keystrokes is an immense privilege that we cannot begin to fully appreciate. With access to the internet now […]

Me and my laundry

Doing all my laundry takes approximately 67 hours and 11 minutes. Where it all starts is collecting my dirty clothes. If only it was as easy as emptying the laundry basket, but no, dirty clothes hide everywhere! Well, mostly in my drawers… I’m not being lazy when I’m placing my jumper I wore 13 times […]

Media and War talk at Goldsmiths

This may be interesting to anyone doing reporting conflict… I’ll probably go, let me know if anyone else is up for it.  Goldsmiths is hosting a talk: ‘Media and war – challenging the consensus’  It’s free, from 12-5 this Friday.

Web 3.0

The World Wide Web is already a tremendous tool for creating and searching for content, but there is still intense intellectual debate as to it’s evolution. The Internet is ever-changing, most of the time unnoticably. Hence, many users will be surprised to learn that what they are using right now is Web 2.0. Originally, the […]

2018: a better year for Theresa May?

2018 could hardly be worse for Theresa May than 2017, an agonizing and even at times, humiliating year for the Prime Minister, with an election she only just about managed to avoid losing outright despite a thumping victory looking almost certain only weeks before. But glimmers of hope managed to shine through the sweeping clouds […]

Goodbye newspapers, hello corruption

Goodbye to the Age of Newspapers (Hello to a New Era of Corruption) is the title of an essay by Paul Starr in The New Republic (America’s most consistently intelligent political magazine and a must-read for anyone determined to understand life inside the Washington DC beltway). I urge everyone to read it. It is depressing, but erudite […]

Well done Lucy

Many congratulations to Lucy Ross Millar on becoming the latest Centre for Journalism undergraduate to pass the NCTJ shorthand exam at 80 wpm. Front page news stories in KM newspapers and shorthand success as well. Good going Lucy.       

Reporter vacancy at Colchester Gazette

Dominic Bowers, Newsquest’s head of content at the Colchester Gazette (and a series of six paid-for weeklies in north Essex) is looking for an NCTJ qualified reporter. The successful candidate will work across the titles and could be based in Colchester, Clacton or Braintree. It is a busy news patch and reporters are encouraged to go out and […]

To pay or not to pay?

That was the question on today’s edition of BBC Radio 4’s Media Show. The Guardian’s Allan Rusbridger, an opponent of paywalls,  debated with News International’s John Witherow, who will introduce one next month.  I thought Mr. Rusbridger’s hostility to direct payment was less pronounced than on previous occasions. So, perhaps he is beginning to question […]

Burger King launch their scent of seduction, so is Piers Morgan your poison?

  Hugo Boss and Armani are so very last year, guys and girls. We no longer want the sweet scent of sandalwood, cedar and oak moss we want erm… Flame-grilled meat. Yes, all the beautiful smells of a Burger King burger combined in one bottle and spread over our man like burger relish in a bun. Why not […]

Summer Opportunity: Deloitte Luxembourg seek journalism intern

  Deloitte Luxembourg can offer a placement to a Journalism student, starting in June this year. The position will be paid and will last the summer or much longer if the student is willing and available.  The position will be based in Luxembourg and the successful candidate will be supporting the team in creating reports […]

New to the news!

Having now survived Fresher’s week and completed my first official day as a student at the Centre for Journalism, I must say I’m buzzing to work my way through this course.  The prospect of experiencing the acamedic modules and practical tasks was exciting enough, but several other opportunities have presented themselves to me, making my […]

Seeing ourselves as others see us

When British politicians claim their actions have global significance I usually turn to the American quality press for a sense of perspective. Granted, the land of the free can be atrociously inward looking, but this from the Boston Globe certainly casts Gordon Brown’s stroke of genius in a new light. In Massachusetts his ‘unprecedented global action’ (the Guardian) is reduced […]

Reach publishers and Black History

  Hi, Some of you might have met Luke Jacobs, Editor of Kent Live and Sussex Live, when he visited the CfJ to give a masterclass and another time, with the NCTJ.  He has posted on Linked In about what his company, Reach, is doing to gather and highlight stories from Black History.  Do take […]

Major daily newspapers.

Can anyone help me in regard to which newspapers support which political parties? I’m having a little trouble for the reporting assignment and would appreciate someone explaining the background of; The Guardian, The Daily Mail, The Sun and The Independent. Cheers.

Tara Nichelle’s blog

Travellers of colour headed to Greece,be prepared! Greek police are questioning, arresting, and even beating tourists they believe to be illegal immigrants. Anti-immigration operation Xenios Zeus, ironically, named after the god of hospitality, was setup in August last year to tackle the country’s illegal immigration problem.  The operation gave Xenios police power to inquire about […]

Pre-Easter reminders – blog posts and NCTJ exams

A couple of reminders for all CfJ students: Postgrads and Year 1 and 2 undergrads: don’t forget to post your second term blog posts on the site – by the end of Sunday (April 7th) please. Postgrads and Year 2 and 3 undergrads: you MUST have signed up for any of the May NCTJ exams […]

Baby Calia

Finally, Gerardo’s baby has arrived.  His name is Isaac and he weighed in at 8lb 1oz.  Phew!
