
#KentExtra helpers needed

Hey guys! We are running a Kent Extra workshop form June 1-5 at the Centre. This is a great opportunity to practice and share your skills with other Uni of Kent students. On most days, we need people to help us pre-make a radio bulletin, a tv show, website or newspaper and then help them […]

Romney wins in Iowa

  I must admit I have not always paid much attention to the Republican presidential nomination races in the past. But when most of the candidates ate fried butter at the Iowa State Fair I knew it was a race I did not want to miss, I mean how does one even fry butter? So […]

If everyone hates Timeline, why hasn’t Zuckerburg got rid of it?

Most of us don’t like change, even when it’s good for us. Two years ago Facebook made huge changes to the way that users browse photos, but there was a huge outcry, with several petitions and Facebook groups such as “Give us our scrolling back” and “Zuckerburg doesn’t get the bigger picture”. So the folks […]

Political Wisdom

Anyone who is interested in further debate on constitutional matters might like to go and hear Robert Hazell – head of the Constitution Unit (and featured on the politics reading list.) He is giving the Anthony Sampson lecture at Queen Mary. See below for details and for RSVP.   As I mentioned I will shortly put […]

My travels in the beautiful country of Jordan

The scenery? Outstanding. The food? Mouth-watering. The temperature? Difficult to get to sleep. Flag jordan.jpg In the summer of 2018, I took a flight with my dear old mum so she could show me around my place of origin. The last time I went was when I was around two years old. Who can remember anything from […]

The BBC and Salford

British Journalism Review asked me to argue the case against the BBC’s decision to move half of network television spending and 40% of radio to Salford. They invited me to oppose Mark Thompson’s argument that forcing staff and resources out of the capital will improve programmes. In fact I repudiate the DG’s claim that the Salford move has anything to do with standards or […]

“Why there is a HQ for an inexistent website ?”

After a breaking news happened in US about the shooting at YouTube today, people all around the world express their mourning towards the victims. But when I open the Weibo ( Chinese Twitter), what I can see from the comment was “ why there is a HQ for a unexisting website ?” “ 404 not […]

Research Seminar series

The next talk in our research seminar series is by Professor Tim Luckhurst on Wednesday November 27 at 1pm in the undergraduate newsroom. The title of Tim’s talk is “Historicizing Newspapers in Crisis”. It will no doubt be an interesting and lively presentation. All are welcome! 

CfJ Newswire: the numbers

Below are some of the stats from yesterday’s online news exercise. The CfJ Newswire site was built, filled and managed entirely by second year undergraduates – who should be very proud of themselves. The team of 14 reported live between 8am and 5pm. Aside from producing some impressive rich content – which had to include […]

Broken Britain? Only if you’re a politician

In probably the best long feature I’ve read this year, Amelia Gentleman visits the infamous Glasgow estate of Easterhouse – which kick-started Iain Duncan Smith on his crusade to help fix ‘broken Britain’. Despite being a ‘popular destination for politicians and celebrities on poverty tours’, Gentleman writes, things have hardly got any better since it […]

Manon – the ballet

I just wanted to recommend the current ballet at the Royal Opera House, Manon. I have never been to a ballet before and I was utterly blown away. It was without a doubt one of the best performances of any kind I have ever seen. It’s a heart-rending tragedy set in 18th century Parisian squalour […]

You won’t believe what happened to me last week: my Watergate

Ever watched a movie and witnessed something so bizarre in it you couldn’t help but wonder if it would ever happen to you in real life? It happened to me last week, chasing a story for a print assignment due this week concerning a follow up to a notable death last year in a car […]

First Year Tutor Groups

New students please see attached listing for your personal tutor.  Tim would like to see students in his group (individually) on Friday this week if possible.  Please come and see me to make an appointment.   Other tutors will contact their students separately.     Attachment Size Tutor List.doc 48 KB

Adjustment and clearing places available for journalism BA

We still have a few places available on our BA in Journalism and the News Industry for adjustment and clearing candidates with the right grades. Call us now on 01634 202913 for a preliminary chat about joining one of the best-performing NCTJ-accredited courses in the country. We’ll be able to complete the formalities very quickly […]

First December- Swap Shop

On monday The Environmental society are holding a swap shop event from 12-2pm in PK107, The Amnesty International society and the RAG society will also be there. The basic idea is to promote these societys but more importantly the aim of The Environmental society is to prevent as much ‘stuff’ from going to landfill as possible. […]

How To Wash Properly

No, not yourself, but your car. Recently I was shocked to find out the amount of damage that can be done to a cars paintwork by following the age-old tradition of plonking a sponge in a bucket of warm water and then dragging it over the body. Or even worse visiting your local Shell garage to pay £5 for that […]

‘Un-doing the harm’ – ‘Race Equality Lecture 2020’ now on Monday 2nd Nov.

Professor Toni Williams, the director of the new division that Journalism is in at the University of Kent, has shared an invitation to a lecture taking place online on Monday 2nd November, which is open to all students and staff:   “British Universities as Architects of Slavery and Violent Colonialism: Undoing the Harm”   About this […]

Qandeel Warrich’s blog

On 1 May, Facebook announced that they are working with the NHS Organ Donation Register to increase the number of people on the donor register. You can now click on a tab on their Facebook page and fill in your details to joing the register.

Bob Friend Memorial Scholarship 2010

Applications are invited for the 2010 Bob Friend Memorial Scholarship, awarded in memory of the former Sky News presenter and journalist. The 2010 Bob Friend Scholar will have their first year tuition fees paid, and will be guaranteed a month-long summer work placement at Sky News, for which travel and accommodation expenses up to a […]

Tunnel Vision

While travelling to Eastbourne yesterday evening, my Dad informed me that the price of the tolls at the QE2 bridge and the Dartford Tunnel were set to rise. And sure enough, on the electronic display before we drove over the river, the text confirmed that there would be an increase by the 15th November. Car […]
