
Amnesia: Rebirth, the mega review

  Significant spoilers ahead for Amnesia: Rebirth.   Amnesia: rebirth was my first proper introduction to the Amnesia franchise. I’m not sure exactly what my expectations were going in, but as a well established franchise I definitely expected to play a well polished and fun game with plenty of good scares along the way. But […]

Eliot Higgins talk for students

All students are welcome to come to hear Eliot Higgins in the undergraduate newsroom on Tuesday, 5 November at 1pm.  Do please put this date in your diary. Eliot is better known as the blogger Brown Moses. He is totally untrained as a journalist. But has made himself into a person that is useful to […]

MA radio news day roles

Hello guys We’ve put our heads together to decide who is doing what tomorrow. Here we go:  Thomas-Henri and Mirela will present Sport Georgie Tom Acres Bulletins and ITN clips Babu: travel and weather Business: Jayna Entertainment: Mallory Please can everyone come with say three usable ideas for conference tomorrow at 0930 in your newsroom […]

Christmas blogging

I’d like to keep the site ticking over during the Christmas break, so am proposing a New Labour-style package of measures to stimulate the blogging economy during those bleak, lesson-free weeks. So I’ll be offering music vouchers (itunes or an alternative) for the following: Best student blog posting about a journalism issue Best student general […]

BBC Journalism Trainee Scheme open for applications

  EQLBczqW4AEW1fQ.jpeg Scheme Overview You will undertake training while working alongside news teams creating content for multiple platforms. You’ll get hands-on experience involving researching, writing and broadcasting news. We offer general journalism trainee places around the UK which means you could be working in one of our newsrooms or news programmes in London, Salford, Cardiff, […]

Caledonian Mercury

The Caledonian Mercury, Scotland’s new online national newspaper, launched last night. It is written by a team consisting almost entirely of former Scotsman journalists. They are a superb bunch. I am going to pay particular attention to the foreign coverage. It is being edited by Andrew Macleod, who, as foreign editor of the Scotsman, was among the most creative […]

Hair is beauty

Hair is beauty Two-Women-with-Different-Hair-Types-e1615471480329-1.jpg   A lot of black women’s identity is surrounded by their hair. If you want to go natural then your curls must be “popping”. If you want to wear a wig, then we shouldn’t see the lace. In the hair department, we must be perfect. Allow no room for nappy hair and […]

The Medwire Magazine in The Medway Messenger

The honest but controversial commentary piece by CfJ second year student Tom Rowse in The Medwire Magazine has got some local response. Although written as a tongue-in-cheek introduction to Medway, it has got some all fired up, so The Medway Messenger has picked it up and reported on it. A very proud moment for Tom, […]

Reduce your impact: The motivations and tips to ditch animal products

With the current focus on the looming climate emergency, there is a curiosity amongst society to live a more environmentally conscious lifestyle.  Unfortunately, a lot of the message is lost in translation and many people are unclear as to where to start. Why should you stop consuming animal products? One option is cutting out animal […]

Wild wild west

Cowboy and Cowgirl night tonight! If you can make it I seriously advise everyone to come as it’s going to be fantastic! Put down the books for a couple of hours and come to Coops. 🙂

Uncomfortable Home Truths Begin to Surface for Scolari

A quick glance at the 0-0 score line gives the impression that this game was a closely fought affair; It was anything but. Chelsea created a whole host of chances but again looked lacking in ideas at home, a worrying trend that is growing more noticeable as the season progresses.   Newcastle were resolute in […]

Deadline change: first year portfolios

Sincere apologies to all first years. I’ve made a mistake with your portfolio deadline – it should have been next Monday (May 21st) at 5pm rather than today. So you have another week to file. Entirely my fault. I mixed up 1st and 2nd year deadlines. If you’ve already filed, and wish to update your […]

Gold grillz and wedding bells

ASAP Rocky and Rihanna have been the talk of the town for quite some time since the couple announced they were officially dating. They then expressed their joy when announcing their pregnancy. The couple have been seen taking photos and after the rapper dropped a significant clue in his recent music video, fans believe that […]

Tania shines at Sky News

This year’s Bob Friend scholar, Tania Steere, is into her second week at Sky News and seems to be having a ball. She’s largely been shadowing reporters and working on the planning desk – but yesterday saw her first piece of content used in a package. She interviewed one of the widows of servicemen who […]

Reporting Conflict reading: Too Close For Comfort

I have scanned in the reading for everyone – except it is too big to upload to the site. If someone’s around tomorrow I’ll see if I can get it uploaded to module notes, if not you can get it online on the scanning website – the file is called SCAN1045. I’ve put a black and white copy in the postgrad newsroom […]

70 words per minute | Centre for Journalism

2 x 2 minute passages Theatre Faces Closure 2 x 2 minute passages Car Owners Speak Up Attachment Size 70 Car Owners Speak Up.MP3 2.07 MB 70 Theatre faces Closure.MP3 2.13 MB

Medway’s drag racing is decadent and depraved

Today’s Medway Messenger features an impressive investigation into illegal drag racing, written by second year student Matt Charles. His story delves deep into Medway’s underworld, exposing how 300 young petrolheads regularly meet on the Medway City Estate to compete in drag and drift races, including interviews with people who have taken part. Some of the […]

Politics section – looking for journalists!

This year I’m the editor of the politics section on our campus’s student news website; I’m looking for students to write for us, so if you’re hoping to go into political journalism then this is a great opportunity for something that would look really good on your CV! In addition, after writing a few stories […]
