The benefits of online portfolios (aka websites) for journalists

Earlier in the summer I saw a post on my Twitter feed about online portfolios. I meant to post it on here sooner but I got a bit side-tracked.

Seeing as journalists seeking employment are effectively selling themselves to prospective employers, usually through CVs, it isn’t surprising to see how useful a good online portfolio is. This article from showcases five very good sites which I thought all had unique ideas. I particularly liked the embedded CV on Alex Wood’s site.

So, when I got into a three-day rut during the summer I decided to give it a go and build my own. Does anyone else have one? (I know Alan made one a short while ago before he left the CfJ.)

I’d appreciate any feedback you might have, I realise it’s not entirely finished and it’s due an update from my recent work experience at the Sittingbourne Messenger and Sheerness Times Guardian (Part two).

While I was on work exp. I also helped with the free Sittingbourne Extra, a sort of prelude to the Sittingbourne Messenger, which is available in some stores and delivered to 12,000 homes. My first real contributions (to all papers) emerged last week and if you care to visit the online edition of the Sittingbourne Extra, you can see/read my splash 🙂 

Hope everyone’s had a good summer, see you soon!
