From the university web site, in case you didn’t see it:
Love your Campus, a joint Creative Campus and Kent Union initiative, has launched an exciting photographic competition open to all University of Kent students and staff from Canterbury, Medway, Tonbridge, Brussels and Paris.
Armed with a camera, they would like you to explore your campus and to capture that singular instance which best reveals to you, its hidden beauty.
Prizes:1st prize – £250, 2nd prize – £150, 3rd prize – £75 plus, the top 25 images will be reproduced to form an exciting exhibition, travelling between campuses: Canterbury, Medway and Tonbridge.
The deadline for entries is 20 October 2010 at 3pm, so get snapping.Full information can be found here.
Creative Campus and Kent Union have joined forces to create the Love Your Campus campaign, which features a range of lunchtime events on the Canterbury, with additional events planned at the Medway campus. There’s more information here.