Having just finished marking first-year essays about the Link Economy… I’ve been having a quick play with a tool called Evri, the new semantic network tool that’s being used most notably by the Washington Post and The Times. If you have a look at the bottom of this and the three other most recent blog posts on the Centre for Journalism site, you’ll get the idea. Evri searches through each post and uses fancy semantic web search methods to suggest key terms about which readers might want to find out more information.
As you’ll see, it’s pretty good – although does throw up some oddities. Tim’s Iran Votes posting, for example, throws up links to stories about Moussavi, but not Ahminedinejad. And the links about Paul Francis – following his posting about the NHS – rather disturbingly suggest a number of articles about Gary Glitter. I’d be interested to know what others think, and whether we should use it as a permanent feature of the site.