The very first CollegeJourn “collaborative data-gathering project” was decided on Sunday night. The issue up for investigating is “How does the healthcare on my University campus compare to the healthcare at other Universities?”
Then it dawned on me, do we even have a medical room on campus? A little bit of searching, et voila, we don’t. Not surprisingly Canterbury does, but as a Medway students we are expected to register with a local doctor. In fact it’s still on my to-do list and I imagine I’m not the only one. But Medway is just a tiny speck on the map, and with the use of the new site Help Me Investigate , other students from around the globe are going to contribute and build up a bigger picture. Then, once all the data has been collected, the fun begins and the feature pieces get filed. You can read about this in more detail on the blogs of Suzanne Yada and Josh Halliday. If you’re interested, which I think you should be, let me know and I’ll send you an invite to join on Help Me Investigate. So, as Suzanne said, “Let’s stop talking about journalism and do some journalism.” P.S. My toolbar (?) has vanished, so I keep on having to do my own HTML links.