Coursework instructions and deadline NCTJ Broadcast Module



Coursework Instructions 


All coursework for the NCTJ Broadcast Journalism Module must be handed in by 4pm on 11 June.

You can submit work which has previously been submitted as assessed work for your university assessments. 

Any questions, see me. 






Candidates may choose from the following options: 

1) Script, edit and voice a television news/feature report of up to three minutes’ duration. 

Your piece should include: 

 at least two interviewees 

 a piece to camera 

 a full-screen graphic. 


Script a studio link of up to 20 seconds for your item. You must submit your script in a word document with your final work. 

You must also complete the TV assignment sheet giving your reasons for choosing your story and stating your sources for research. 

You may use material from any source, subject to copyright. Markers will look for evidence of journalistic rigour with legal and regulatory compliance. 




2) Script, edit and voice two contrasting radio packages, one news and one feature, of up to 90 seconds duration each. 

 The news package should include at least two interviews 

 The feature package should incorporate the use of music/sound effects 


Script a presenter cue of up to 20 seconds for each package. You must submit your scripts in a word document with your final work. 

You must also complete the radio assignment sheet giving your reasons for choosing your story and stating your sources for research. 

You may use material from any source, subject to copyright. Markers will look for evidence of journalistic rigour with legal and regulatory compliance. 




3) Script, edit and voice one TV report and one radio news package up to 90 seconds each. 

The TV report must include: 

 at least two interviewees 

 a piece to camera 


Script a studio link of up to 20 seconds for your item. You must submit your script in a word document with your final work. 

The radio news package must include: 

 at least two interviews. 


Script a presenter cue of up to 20 seconds. You must submit your script in a word document with your final work. 

You must also complete the TV and radio assignment sheets giving your reasons for choosing your stories and stating your sources for research. 

You may use material from any source, subject to copyright. Markers will look for evidence of journalistic rigour with legal and regulatory compliance. 

Your coursework submission must be endorsed by a course tutor, trainer or editor as all your own work. 

There is no time limit for producing the work, but you must submit your coursework for marking at least one month prior to the completion of your course for assessment. Your tutor will give you your deadline date. 

Your coursework may be submitted on DVD, CD or as a file on a USB flash drive. 

(100 marks) 

© NCTJ 2011 
