Easter work placements at the Kent Messenger Group

The Easter work placements for first years at the Kent Messenger Group have now been allocated. The list of dates and locations is below. If there is  a compelling reason why you can’t fulfil  your allotted placement, please let a member of staff know immediately. You’ll be required to make contact with your editor directly nearer the time – we’ll provide you with the necessary contact details. And the KM Group’s Lesley Bellew is coming in to talk to you on March 19.

April 12 – April 23
James Averill: Wraik Hill, Whitstable
Danielle Cheney: Ashford
Jo Cladingboel: kmfm and Online News, Medway
Jonathan Stone: kmfm and Online News, Medway
Alex Dack: Supplements Team, Larkfield
Angela Davey: Sheerness
Grant Gibb: Medway
Alister Houghton: Gravesend
Sophie Jackson: Gravesend
Dean Kilpatrick: Thanet
Daniel May: Maidstone
Tom Ruzyllo: Wraik Hill, Whitstable
Marina San Miguel Navas: Deal

April 26 – May 7
Nicola Sturmey: Wraik Hill, Whitstable
Ella Copeland: Ashford
Harriet Robinson: kmfm and Online News, Medway
Eva Tsipi: Supplements Team, Larkfield
Paul Dunne: Sheerness
Melanie Wimmer: Medway
Sara Malm: Gravesend
Jason West: Gravesend
James Warner: Thanet
Jade Selby: Maidstone
George Ocaya: Medway
Sarah Wilson: Deal
