National Treasure to National Twit?


I was going to blog this last night but… something came up.. so here it is today.

You look at Stephen Fry and you see the personification of most, if not all, British stereotypes. He is polite, charming, well spoken and I’m sure if you gave him a bowler hat and an umbrella he wouldn’t begin to look particularly unusual either. He even advertised tea bags for God’s sake.

He has become an icon of British television and I’m sure most parents wouldn’t mind their children growing up with the manners of Stephen Fry.

But, not everyone seems to share this apparent love and adoration for the man most famous for his roles as the two incarnations of Melchett from Blackadder.

Christopher Hart of the Times writes that Stephen Fry’s overexposure due to plain and pointless television shows (Stephen Fry in America) and incessant ‘tweeting’ could make him one of Britain’s most irritating people.

Twitter? Irritating? You must be joking….

‘Along with the dozens of Facebook groups devoted to Fry — of which the “Petition to harvest Stephen Fry’s seed to raise the standard of society” is perhaps the most alarming — there are a growing number that express previously unthinkable sentiments, such as: “I hate Stephen Fry — I’d like to punch his smug face.”

