A reminder to all first years, second years and MA students: Your conference diaries and blog posts for last term are due in next week if you haven’t already completed them. That’s Tuesday, by 5pm please.
Please submit your conference diaries as Word or text documents to the assignments section of this web site. Remember they should simply contain a sentence or two outlining an idea that has arisen from each conference you have attended this term.
Your blog posts should be an item for discussion – at least four paragraphs – about any journalism issue of your choice.
The diaries and blog posts form one part of your Convergent Journalism (undergrads) and Practical Multimedia Journalism (postgrads) portfolios. The other two parts of your portfolios will also need to be completed now. These should be pieces of work that have not already been assessesd. They can be items from news days, from work experience placements, or other work you have done across the year. You can’t submit two pieces from the same medium (i.e not two print pieces, or two radio pieces etc).
If you’re not sure what to submit, Richard and I will be happy to advise you.
The deadlines for submission of these portfolios are as follows:
First Years: Monday 14 May
Second Years: Monday 21 May
Postgrads: Wednesday 16 May
Again, submission should be by uploading to the assignments section of the site. Make sure you select the right module from the drop down menu when you submit.
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