Please could all students return and sign in all kit by next wednesday at the very latest.

I need to audit/fix/account for all of our equipment before the end of term. This is very important. If you have lost or broken anything please let me know. Kit can only be returned by it’s original borrower and there are no concessions for ‘I gave it to ….’

Camera kits: Both batteries to be fully charged, leads and accessories to be stowed neatly.All loaned DV tapes to be returned please.

Edirol/Marantz audio recorders: to be returned WITH their pc connection lead, memory card intact and both batteries removed (and placed on charge in the newsroom if rechargable).

Tripods to be correctly packed WITH THE PLATE ATTACHED.

Clip/Radio mics – removed batteries as per above, make certain accessories are present (tie clips etc).

Thank you in advance! Gerardo.
