I must admit I have not always paid much attention to the Republican presidential nomination races in the past. But when most of the candidates ate fried butter at the Iowa State Fair I knew it was a race I did not want to miss, I mean how does one even fry butter?
So far the GOP nomination has been action filled. You had the ‘will she, won’t she” period where everyone waited for Sarah Palin to announce her entry into the race. (She is not a candidate but you always find her mulling around in the background) You then had the media frenzy when Rick Perry announced he would be joining and Herman Cain bowed out of the race following allegations of sexual misconduct. Oh and who can forget the time we all thought President Obama would be “fired” by the man who forced him to reveal his birth certificate, Donald Trump.
Yesterday saw the formal start for the delegate selection process of the 2012 Presidential election campaign.
In what is known as “the First in the Nation Caucus”, GOP presidential nominee, Mitt Romney edged out fellow Republican nominees, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum to win in the Iowa Republican caucuses. Romney, who several weeks ago found himself well behind Newt Gingrich in the polls, narrowly beat Santorum by 8 votes.
It’s still early days, but one thing seems clear, Republicans are not sure of which candidate they want to run against President Obama. You can read more about the results and the republican nomination race here: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/01/04/iowa-outcome-what-it-means-for-the-president/?hpt=hp_t2
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