Shorthand excellence

Hearty congratulations to all of those who successfully  passed shorthand speeds in the December exams – particularly to our new 100wpm stars Alex Dack, Danielle Morris, Nikki Sturmey and Harley Tamplin.

Applause also to:

80wpm: Jay Akbar, Angela Davey, Jessica Fleig, Alex Maitland, Tiia Mustonen

70wpm: Sarina Iskandar, Jemma Rogers, Tania Steere

60wpm: Michel’le Donnelly, Anthony Dunkley, Ferouz Berhe, Oprah Flash, Dwayne Gordon-Harris, Huw Jenkins, Drew Mark, James Mullan, Tom Rowse, Agatha Yuen

Our Shorthand Hall of Fame has been updated. If you think you should be on there, or have the wrong speed against your name, let me know.
