Submission of third year projects

The final deadline for submission of your final year projects is 5pm on Friday April 8.

Suubmission will be a three-stage process. Read carefully:

  1. Copy the completed files for both your main output and your secondary output onto the new CfJ external disk drive in the folder with your name on it – Gerardo, Ian or Richard will supervise. These files should be AVI for television projects, WAV for radio projects, and high-resolution PDF for print. If your final project is a web site that is not hosted on the CfJ servers, copy your installation onto the hard drive. If your site is hosted by the CfJ, you don’t need to copy files over.
  2. Fill in the online form on this web site. You can find the form by going to the ‘Create content’ menu and then selecting ‘Third  Year project’. Or you can follow this link.
  3. Once you have filled in the form, click ‘save’ at the bottom of the page. You’ll then be prompted to print out two copies of the completed form. Get these signed and dated by a member of staff before the final deadline. You’ll keep one copy as a receipt. If any of your output is for print, make a colour copy of the finished pages on A3 paper and submit these at the same time.

Any questions, ask.

The marking criteria are below:

Overall content: 10

Journalism skills: 30

Market suitabillity: 10

Technical competence: 10

Understanding of principles: 20

Presentation: 10

Grammar and style: 10
