Coursework Instructions
All coursework for the NCTJ Videojournalism for Online Module must be handed in by 4pm on 11 June.
You can submit work based on material which has previously been submitted as assessed work for a university assessment.
Any questions, please do see me.
You will be assessed on a video package of not more than three minutes duration that has been created entirely by you.
The assessment will take into account the variation in the style of video packages that occurs on various news websites.
The package may involve an online news bulletin in which the elements have been filmed by the candidate, the script written and the package presented by the candidate.
It might, equally acceptably, be one entirely self-contained news item, including all information on a given story.
Or it might be an adjunct to a text-based report which is designed to give the reader the essentials. In the latter case the audio and video report acts as a multi-media extension of the basic text story, and the text story should be submitted as part of the package for marking purposes.
Up to a third of footage may be third party material where editorially appropriate (this does not include allowing a fellow candidate to shoot your piece to camera).
You must also submit your script to accompany your video report to assist examiners when marking your report.
The video and audio must have been recorded by you; the package (including text element if there is one) must have been scripted and compiled by you; it must have been voiced by you; and the finished product may have been published online by you.
There is no time limit for producing the work but it must be certified in writing as your own by your tutor, editor or training officer. You must submit your video package for marking on the day of your exam.
The NCTJ will seek clarification from centres if it is apparent that a video report has not been created entirely by you. If this is the case, the report will be disqualified.
(100 marks)
Assessment criteria
Examiners will look for ‘viewability’ –a combination of a well-chosen story, well told, with good pictures and clear sound. Marks are awarded for the following:
Scripting and content (30 marks available)
Accuracy and use of English: including any on-screen graphics (15 marks)
Story structure: story is well-told, clear and informative and includes (15 marks)
only relevant information.
(30 marks)
Shooting (40 marks available)
Stability of shots: shots are stable and show evidence of appropriate use
of tripod. Shots are held for appropriate duration. (10 marks)
Composition: writing to pictures (scripts complement pictures and add value).
(10 marks)
Focus and lighting: shots are sharply focused except where deliberately
de-focused and treated for other deliberate effects. (10 marks)
Variety of shots: shots differ from each other and avoid following given
composition with similar composition or repeated images. (10 marks)
(40 marks)
Audio (20 marks available)
Well-recorded location and voice-over sound: natural, ambient sound used
appropriately and smoothly edited with consistent levels. (10 marks)
Well-chosen sound clips: i.e. of effective length, reflecting the opinions and
responses of interviewees rather than factual matters that are better reported
in voice-over. (10 marks)
(20 marks)
Overall package (10 marks available)
Marks awarded for a well-edited, effective piece of videojournalism (10 marks)
Total: (100 marks)
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