Who has the right to end life?

‘Mercy killings’ ‘assisted-killings’, some even call it euthanasia. What those terms refer to is when person A helps person B take their life with their consent. It’s a huge controversy since in all societies (I’d like to think), human life is a cherished and definitely a privilege. If someone around the world is fighting for their lives, way take away the life of someone who could potentially live another day or a few more years?

Who should be given the right to end someone’s life? The mother of the person who gave birth to that person? The person who requested to be put to death?

Personally, I’m a bit undecided on my view on mercy killings. I’m not keen on it but I would understand why many people see it as a humane and positive thing. It’s only normal that one wants to avoid suffering; there’s only so much suffering one can take. But if your chronically depressed best friend wants to die, do you assist them with their suicide? NO – you’d comfort them, tell them it’ll be alright and ask them to get help. Because life no matter stressful, has its silver lining. You always aim to achieve better. You get sacked from your job; you find a new one.You get into a debt, you work your way out of it no matter how extreme – look at Greece.

Can a person in a non-coherent state of mind and emotional turmoil really be given the authority to decide when their life ends? Is killing someone just to end their suffering actually an act of mercy? Under Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to life. It’s a bit contradictory to take it away from them, regardless whether they choose to live or not.

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