UMSA has asked for the recreation of the school newspaper (formerly known as PULP – this name is not required).
At this current stage, there is an active search for nearly anyone willing to write or do any other work for it. This includes areas like:
– writers (reporters, feature writers, subeditors, columnists, critics, etc – even novelists and poets – basically anyone who wants to write)
– designers and artists (designers, photographers)
– finance and law consultants (sponsor-finding and overseeing contracts – business and law students preferably)
Depending on the management speed of the team and some other technical aspects, it is expected (and asked), that an edition will be published before Christmas. The publication will also be funded mostly by UMSA.
Furthermore, as the creation of the publication is essentially in the early stages, the creative potential for those involved will be vast. The area, that we will be able to cover and report, will be significant and hopefully relevant to the university life. In return for working for the publication, we will be able to offer:
– a friendly environment and a great working experience
– the chance to have something of yours published and read by many
– something to put on your CV, that many institutions recognise as important
– assistance and guidance in the journalism industry by professionals
– at times, possibly free food and SWAG*
If you are interested in working for the publication, send an email to Jaak P ([email protected]) or visit the UMSA office.
* SWAG – stuff we all get; ‘1ike t-shirts, coffee mugs, bumper stickers’ (urban dictionary)
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