After years of awareness with regards to global warming it seems only now people are starting to take notice. The recent Extinction Rebellion protests throughout London have meant that climate change is finally a topic of discussion amongst MP’s within the House of Commons. In which time over 1000 people were inevitably arrested, including British Olympic Gold medallist Etienne Scott. The protests have had a huge impact and a good one, particularly in raising public awareness more than anything, but have we left it too late? And was is actually being done? This feels like another wave of important news which will at some point just get forgotten about again after the next big hype. The fight against authorities to act on climate change shouldn’t’ even exist, you’d think everyone would care about the planet where we actually live our lives and breathe in the fresh air every single day. Not that the air will be fresh for much longer, so we may as well enjoy it while we still can, a lot of people can’t already. Humans are unreliable and while we all squabble about what to do next and even worse, whether it actually exists, the polar ice caps melt and earthquakes rock the Earth. Moreover, we complain at Government for not doing enough to help climate change while we litter tonnes of rubbish throughout the world all day, and cut down trees just to make chairs to sit on or tables to eat off. It’s a problem we have to tackle together instead of relying on the other to deal with it. This isn’t a piece about trying to encourage you to help the planet or to fight climate change for that matter, but to help recognise that this is a problem we all share together. We need to think of effective ways to tackle to issue and act on them as promptly as possible. People as a whole though are starting to take initiative more and understand global warming a bit better, though I’m not sure if the same can be said for America. Wales for example have declared a “climate emergency” after protests there resulted in politicians being forced to take action. The UK is expected to follow suit but labelling it a “climate emergency” doesn’t mean anything unless we all make an impact together. What I mean by this is that just because we’re declaring a national “climate emergency” doesn’t mean all of our problems are going to be solved. We all need to care and do what we can to save it together and understand that it will take all of us, rather than point the finger at who we all think is to blame.
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