A message from student Wellbeing about a new way to report sexual assault/rape, sexual harassment, harassment/bullying, relationship abuse and hate crime:
This is just to let you know that InK the online reporting tool is now live and can be used by students to report incidents of sexual assault/rape, sexual harassment, harassment/bullying, relationship abuse and hate crime. The system can be found directly at: https://ink.kent.ac.uk/ or via https://kent.ac.uk/studentsupport/sexual-assault.html and https://kent.ac.uk/studentservices/equality.html . The system has been set up in such a way that students are given the opportunity to report anonymously if they wish. The introduction of this tool does not replace any existing processes, merely sits alongside them as an alternative option. The main attraction of the tool however is to act as another route to getting support for students that wish to seek it. The tool has been designed in such a way that enables students to save reports so that they can come back to them. Providing students with the time and space they may need to tell their story.
This may be a handy resource for students to be aware of. If you are interested in trying out the system yourself, there is a test system in place, which I can give you, access to. Please do not ‘try’ the live system. Whilst the system is live and fully functioning, we are still developing and further improving it, so please do let me know if you have any suggestions for better locations/visibility of the tool online.
Regards Becky
Becky Wyatt | Wellbeing Adviser (Specialist), Student Support and Wellbeing
University of Kent | Room FG12, Keynes College, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NP
E: [email protected] | P: 01227 (8)16755
W: http://kent.ac.uk/studentsupport &http://kent.ac.uk/studentwellbeing
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