You should try skiing and here’s why

The mountain ponders high in the clouds. As the mini bus chuckles up the steep sweeping inclines. Vivid to this day, I remember the royal rocks ripping the skyline as we further ventured over the creases of the mountains. The vanishing light cast upon the smoky rock and velvet snow, energising the stale rockfall.


Breuil-Cervinia, 96 minutes away from Turin airport, is a quaint village nestled in the shadow of the Matterhorn. The cobbled streets and rustic buildings accommodate a warm spirit, a spirit that is further adopted by the beautiful people. The feeling of unity is overwhelming, it is clear everyone has their piece in this puzzle. Completely segregated away from the exhilarating slopes and piercing winds, you are overcome with warmth whenever in their company.


But enough with the spirit and heart of this place. I fell further in love with skiing. The emotion of sliding down slopes of a billion years, alone, travelling in any direction – at any speed – It is the pinnacle of exhilaration!


As your skis slice through the crisp grooves, snow bursts beneath you, a jittering sensation is kept at bay. Enlightened with freedom, it leaves you open to admire the beautiful landscapes that sit high above the rest of the world. At a every point your gaze, you will always find something intriguing; the cascading ice, the whittled down trees, or the delicate streams of crystal water – it is truly blissful.


Accompanying the decent, the mountains lead you to après ski bars, cafes, and ski lifts – constant solutions – always keeping you busy. In Cervinia, especially, elaborate planning has allowed for the most efficient journeys. You’ll find yourself approaching the peaks in a Gondola, just minutes after carving down 8km of powdered snow.


The Gondolas and chair provide balance to the adrenaline and exhilarating sensations. A peaceful ascent, accompanied by the crisp air and stunning views whilst fellow skiers, of all ability, cruise below. If you’re lucky, you can be joined by other parties on the lifts.


Often finding yourself in conversation with people from a number of corners around the world. The warmth lingers in every character that you meet, and on a mountain of a thousand metres, thousands of people simultaneously sense the same euphoric sensation, that is skiing. It is hard not to cherish every moment. It is a way of life, and a way that is nothing but bliss. It is an emotion in itself.
